Thursday 19 October 2017

                  WHITE TIGER

Class and caste system


corruption is a form of dis honest or unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority to require personal benefit. In India corruption is a major issue that hinders the growth of our country. It is found everywhere from the higher officials to the lower and it affects the financial and economic system of the country.
     It prevails in every nook and corner of the country, it has become the predominant theme in many of the Indian novels right from the earlier period to the contemporary scenario. In this novel Aravind Adiga highlights the corruption which is plaguing around the corners of India which has been crippling the country. The entire novel is narrated through a collection of letters.
  Balram escapes from the darkness of life and enters into a corrupt system of life in order to climb up the social ladder. Balram states that, "The tale of how I was corrupted from a sweet innocent village fool into a citified fellow full of depravity and wickedness".Balram was born in the village of Laxmangarh and is raised in a large,poor family, he belongs to the Hawaiian caste, the caste which indicates the sweet makers. This village is under the control of four landlords namely the buffalo, the stork, the wild boar and the raven.
     Balram's mind is corrupted right from his school days. He sees the educational system which is corrupted. The school teacher of Balram has not received salary for six months. So he corrupts the educational system by teaching nothing to the students. He determines not to teach, until he receives his pay cheque. In order to make profit he steel the food and uniform that are offered to students by the government.Balram's father is a rickshaw puller and he suffered from tuberculosis. When he goes to hospital he finds no one in hospital when enquires to the ward boy he replies that a government medical superintendent alone checks the doctor's visit to the hospital. Balram also comes to know that there is an open auction for that post. Thus the corrupt system in the hospital and the ignorance of the doctors has lead to death of his father. In Dhanbad he exposed to the evils of corruption in politics. A politician known as the great socialist controls the mass through election in deceptive way. It is responsibility of each and every citizen not to indulge themselves in activities that harm both the self and society. The white tiger is an exposure to corruption and exploitation.


      The novel white tiger mainly focus on the problems of people who are living under poverty. The protagonist of the novel Balram Halwai is a servant from Bihar who has travelled to the city Bangalore to earn his living. He is an intelligent boy at school. Due to his poverty he discontinues his studies. He wants to lead an independent life like the white tiger. India is a land of democracy but the poor people continue to live a poor life. They don't fit d any opportunity to cherish their freedom.


         Indian society has the segmental division of caste and class system. The caste system is the major cause of obstruction in the growth of the nation. The rich people are given many opportunities when compared to the poor people.In this novel,landlords and the upper-class people control the poor and the working class people. Balram is suppressed due to his caste system. Through him author portrays the pen picture of people belongs to the lower class people. In the Indian society people give importance to their caste than name.Drivers are made to the floors and to massage the masters. Thus the class and caste system in the novel is distinct.




        Duting festival seasons the people use to take bath in Ganges river to clean their sins.They leave the remaining things in the river especially plastic, flower waste.This cause water pollution and this leads health problems. The poor became the direct victims of this pollution. Adiga tells about Balram's father who is affected by tuberculosis like him mamy are affected due to their unhealthy living conditions.


       Adiga also conveys about the climatic conditions and rise in level of pollution in Delhi in the novel. People cover their faces with handkerchiefs to escape from the coarseness of their air pollution. The usage of automobileshas increased mainly in developed cities like Delhi which leads to the increased pollution. In Delhi vechicles fight for space on the road. Thus he presents the polluted Delhi and the social issues in the novel.

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