Sunday 15 October 2017

The White Tiger

The White Tiger
                                                                                    -Aravind Adiga
                                                             The Sixth Night
            Balram says about the dreams of rich and poor. The poor dreams all their lives of getting enough to eat and the rich dreams to lose weight. Every evening, the compound around Buckingham Towers B block becomes an exercise ground, Because of the late night parties and drinking alcohols the rich gets fat in Delhi. So they walk to lose weight. While they walk around the apartment, most of the drivers stand at various spots with bottles of mineral water and fresh towels in their hands. Each time they complete a circuit stop next to their man, drink some water, wipe their sweats and continue the next round. Vitiligo-lips also stands in one corner of the compound, Balram asks him for a golden- haired prostitute for his master Mr. Ashok. He also enquires about the cost and Vitiligo-lips answers, that depends on high-class or low-class, virgin or non-virgin. Balram says that his master can’t pay more than four thousand seven hundred. Next Balram asks Vitiligo-lips “How many ways are there for a driver to cheat his master?”. He says there are four ways for a servant to betray his master to get extra cash, I. He can sell petrol from the car. II. To make a repair to the car , he can go to a corrupt mechanic and inflates the price and he can keep the rest for himself. III. He can sell the empty whisky bottles. IV. He can use the car as a freelance taxi. Balram has never cheated his master before, but starts to do it for a couple of weeks and feels rage instead of guilt. He says that “ the more I stole from him, the more I realized how much he had stole from him”.
            The moment he has enough money he goes to Vitiligo-lips again and asks for the prostitute not for his master but for himself. Vitiligo-lips takes him to the hotel and asks the golden-hair women for him. The manager asks for extra five hundred rupees. Balram takes out the last three hundred rupees. He goes to the room number 114A. A girl named Anastasia sits on the bed. she is not as pretty as the woman Mr. Ashok met. Balram and Anastasia talks for a while and suddenly he jumps out of the bed because he has discovered that the golden hair was not real. He leaves the hotel and in consequence he has spent all his money for nothing.
            Balram reaches his rom and identify a surprise there. Mr. Ashok is sitting on his bed and says he knows where Balram has been, that the man with pink lips says that he has gone to the temple. Mr. Ashok notice that there are red marks on Balram’s palm and finds it as a skin disease and asks him whether he can treat it with medicine. Balram replies that “The disease of the poor can never get treated” and he revels that his father had TB and it killed him. But Mr. Ashok asks Balram to go hospital and he offers to pay for the treatment. Then they both goes to the tea shop, where the poor used to eat. Balram orders the commoners food like okra, cauliflower, radish, spinach and dhal, and for the final touch he orders a lessi for       Mr. Ashok. He likes the food for commoners.
            Mukesh comes to town again. He persuades Mr. Ashok to marry again. Mukesh gives him a red bag with lots of money inside, He has to bring it to the minister again and remembers Mr. Ashok tp ask for the bag back because it an Italian-made and no need to give any additional gifts,
            As they are waiting in the traffic jam, Balram offers a one rupee to the begger. Mongoose gets really angry and shouts at him. The next day Balram drives them to some minister’s house with the red bag. Afterward he takes them to the hotel and he takes the mongoose to the railway station. When the train leaves the station, Balram dances around the platform.
            Next morning, Mr. Ashok asks Balram to bring the red bag full of money to the car. While driving he tried hard not to look at the red bag. Balram is in a bad conflict within himself. On the one hand he is aware of Mr. Ashok as a good and gracious master. On the other hand Mr. Ashok gave Balram the blame for the car accident and the chids death.
            After bringing Ashok to the hotel, Balram drives to the train station, planning out a possible escape routes in case he decided to steel the money. There he put a coin in the fortune-telling machine, and received a printed fortune insisting command “Respect for the law is the first command of the gods.”
            That Sunday, Balram says Ashok he is going to the temple, but instead he goes to the red-light district. However, realizing that the Nepali girls are simply caged animals like himself, he is not attracted towards them. Then he goes straight on to an older part of the city, Balram gets to a second hand market where books are sold. He names it as ” one of the wonders of the world”. He flips through books without paying for them. There he meets a Muslim book seller. This man talks to him a lot about poetry and poets. Balram names the four wise poets they are Reemi, Iqbal, Mirza Ghalib, and he has forget the fourth name.
            On the way home an image of buffalo appears in front of his eyes. The buffalo is pulling a cart  fills with buffalo skulls, without any direction from the human. Balram walks along the poor animal for a while. The buffalo says to Balram that he has brought a lot of shame to his family and all of them will die. Balram imagines the skulls where there of his own family, and  the buffalo shaming him for allowing their murder.

                                                                                                            Submitted by,
                                                                                                            C. Asha

                                                                                                            I. M. A English literature 

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